Like every other municipality in Onondaga County, Manlius entered into an Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA) with Onondaga County for work on the sewer lines leading to the Meadowbrook-Limestone Sewage Treatment Plant. The Police Department issued their 2018 Annual Report: Two new police officers were sworn in May 22nd. Security cameras were installed in the Town […]
Read MoreMarch 2019
Lots to cover this month!
Small Cell Wireless is coming to a utility pole near you. The FCC issued new guidelines making it easier for wireless companies to locate small cell antennas where they are needed to improve bandwidth and speed. This is 4G now but paves the way for 5G installations in the future. For more info see the SOCPA PPT on the Manlius website. Community education is needed. A Public Hearing has been scheduled for April 24th at 6:35 to review a Local Law that I was involved in preparing, with others.
February 2019
Boy Scout Troop 210 of Kirkville visited the meeting February 13th. Chuck Marshall representing Stewart’s Shops & Laura Cassalia, Project Manager, CHA Design presented a request for a zone change for the parcel on the corner of Route 92 and Enders Road [across from the Manlius fire house]. After conversation the Board decided not to forward their request to the Planning Board, effectively ending the application.
Read MoreDecember 2018
Town Historian Barbara Rivette gave an annual report to the Town Board. John Loosman gave a report to wrap up the work of the Town of Manlius Environmental Council (TMEC) which was formed in 1973 to monitor the environmental impact of proposed developments in the town. The work of the TMEC has been largely replaced by the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process, which is now a routine component of the Planning Board process. The Council volunteers have worked with the Town Historian to catalogue and preserve their records before they disband.
Read MoreNovember 2018
The November 14th meeting had the largest number of residents in attendance so far this year. The hot topic was the Deer Management Plan. The Eagle Bulletin wrote a good summary in the 11.21 issue. The plan for 2019 is confined to areas contiguous with the Village of Fayetteville, because the Town is joining with Fayetteville’s plan. Most of the residents who spoke will not be in the culling areas this year, but it was important to hear their concerns because the Town plans to expand the scope of the program for 2020, if all goes well in 2019. The Town approved the Deer Management Plan after the Public Hearing had closed.
Read MoreOctober 2018
Budget Time
Resident interest in the Manlius Town Budget was notably absent this year. I know many of us were busy campaigning for County, State and Federal candidates, but the lack of participation at the Town level was obvious.
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