Public Forum Q&A

Sara Bollinger – Manlius Town Councilor

What has been growth of the Police Department over time?

The Department has remained relatively stable in size.


The Police Committee is open to the public. It meets every other month, fourth Wednesday at 5PM. Next meeting is May 22, 2019.

How do Insurance Companies rate our Fire Departments?

Insurance Services Office (ISO) scores 10 (poor) to 1 (excellent)

a. Fayetteville: 2 mixed paid/volunteer [district has hydrants]
b. Manlius: 2 mixed paid/volunteer areas with hydrants;
7 areas without hydrants
c. Minoa: 4 all-volunteer [district has hydrants]

Is there state-level intervention to protect municipalities from stores challenging their assessment like Target is doing?

A-4752 introduced by Assembly Member Zebrowski
(Needs a NY Senate sponsor)

What is the rationale for the new Municipal Building?

  1. Increased security
    1. Safety concerns for the public when Court is in session
    2. Safety of employees working in the Town Offices
  2. Better collaboration between Town’s operational functions
  3. Current Police building [in Manlius] needs repairs, has no air conditioning and is “not reflective of a first-class Police Department”

What is meeting room reservation process?

Speak with Debi Witzel 315-637-3521

What is the process to have Public Comment at a Board meeting?

a. Speak with Allison Weber 315-634-3521 or Ed Theobald 315-637-3414
b. Share the topic about which you would like to speak
c. If it is a Town Board matter, you will be given time on an upcoming Agenda
d. Please note the ‘rules of decorum’

How are we letting the public know about the agenda notification option?

  1. The sign-up is on the website ( )
  2. There are sign-up sheets at board and committee meetings
  3. Periodically announced on Facebook page
  4. Shared at public meetings