Sara Bollinger – Manlius Town Councilor
Town Historian Barbara Rivette gave an annual report to the Town Board. John Loosman gave a report to wrap up the work of the Town of Manlius Environmental Council (TMEC) which was formed in 1973 to monitor the environmental impact of proposed developments in the town. The work of the TMEC has been largely replaced by the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process, which is now a routine component of the Planning Board process. The Council volunteers have worked with the Town Historian to catalogue and preserve their records before they disband.
There was a Public Hearing for an all-way stop intersection at Huntington Lane & Chatham Drive and a stop sign at Whetstone Rd. & Chatham Drive. Several neighbors attended. These stop signs were approved.
Chief Crowell gave the following report: – The field training is going well with the new police officers. – Mary Alice Boyke and Captain Jeff Peckins have retired. – Phase 2 of the strategic plan has been completed and he will begin gathering input from the town board and the police committee.
Jon Paul was approved to fill the vacant Sargent’s position at the Town of Manlius Police Department.
The Town has entered into two short-term contracts with M.A. Police Consulting due to their experience with police departments and their IT requirements. This service will be put out to bid for a long-term contractor.
The DEC has received the deer management permit application from the town. Culling services will begin in January.
Several town officials met with 5G providers outside of a board meeting to get more information on the 5G service that will be coming to the town. I attended this meeting and will be monitoring the implementation of 5G service in the Town.
John Loeffler presented a summary update from the planning process committee of which I am an active member. The planning process committee has identified and taken action on certain topics such as:
- Special District Mapping Accuracy
- Zoning Information on the town website
- A review of the town code for items that are not addressed or may have inconsistencies.
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