Councilor Contemplations – August 2023 

Petition to Establish Wards

by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Deputy Supervisor

A petition was submitted to the Town Clerk on July 14th , an Objection was filed on July 19th and the Town Clerk issued her Finding and Determinations on August 4th.

Many thanks to those who spoke at Open Podium and have since been speaking to neighbors and posting on social media about this issue.

Skyridge Water District

Residents of the Horseshoe Lane subdivision and Clear Path for Veterans have been advocating for years to connect to OCWA water infrastructure. This project is opposed by a vocal group of neighbors. The Town of Manlius, in collaboration with the Town of Sullivan, OCWA, Assemblymember Al Stirpe, Onondaga County and the impacted property owners submitted an application for funding to the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation under the Water Infrastructure and Improvement Act.

Clean Energy Program

Joule Community Energy made a presentation at the August 9th meeting. The Board had previously listened to a presentation from Good Energy. Do you think the Town should participate in Community Choice Aggregation? It will save about 10% on everyone’s energy bills.

Apartments are Coming

Please take note that a large apartment complex known as Twin Ponds is proposed on North Burdick Street. A smaller, but still significant, apartment project called Garden Park is proposed for Highbridge Street. Both developers are in the process of obtaining Planned Urban Development [PUD] zoning status.