by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Town Councilor
Open Podium
At the November 3 rd meeting a resident used the Open Podium to share concerns with storm water at his property on Dabney Lane. We are hearing concerns from several property owners after this very rainy fall season. Here are some resources that may be helpful. The Town cannot work on stormwater issues on private property.
Deer Management
The Town approved an agreement with the Village of Fayetteville for deer management. Onondaga County pays most costs related to this activity.
The Board approved the purchase of a 1-ton Ford 550 from the lowest bidder. The Assessment office installed new workstations this fall. We declared the old furniture from the Assessment office as surplus so that it may be donated.
2022 Town Budget
The 2022 Town Budget was adopted on November 17th . $242,355 of federal American Rescue Plan Act funds are allocated in this budget. Additional ARPA funds will be allocated during 2022 and in subsequent years until 2026. Thanks to Town Manager Ann Oot, Finance Committee
members Katelyn Kriesel and Sara Bollinger and Elaine Denton for making the slides.
The newest Special Patrol Officer has begun working at F-M schools. Five new Police Officers are in field training.
The NYSDOT responded to a request stating that the speed limit on Route 298 is appropriate.
Mining Application
The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation sent a letter asking to be Lead Agency for State Environmental Quality Review [SEQR] for the Kinsella Quarry application in Mycenae. The Board authorized the Town Attorney to write back stating that we object to DEC serving as Lead Agency because quarry use in not allowed given the current zoning of the land in question.