Councilor Contemplations – September 2021

by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Town Councilor

Tom Cerio of Twin Shore Properties gave a presentation at the 9/22 meeting with ideas for a new Town Hall building on North Burdick Street that would include the Police Department, Court and several accessibility, safety and environmental sustainability elements we do not have at the existing Town Hall. The proposal of a public/private partnership avoids the need for the Town to borrow [bond] for the construction costs. If this plan is implemented, the Town will sell the building on Brooklea Drive and discontinue the lease with the Village of Manlius. What do you think of this idea?

Please share your opinion:

Do you care about property taxes? The Town of Manlius budget includes several District budgets including Fire Protection, Trash & Brush, Stormwater Management, Water, Sewer and Lighting. These District budgets add up to millions of dollars. There will be a Public Hearings on the Fire District Budgets at the October 13th meeting.

The public comment form is also a good way for you to make suggestions for the use of
American Rescue Plan Act [ARPA] funds. We have had very preliminary discussions regarding these funds which will be over $2 million, but no decisions have been made.

Wicked Woods will be Saturday 10/23 at Green Lakes from 6:30-8:30PM. Bring the family!

In other business…

  • Manlius is supporting the Onondaga County Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan.
  • ON Farm Day was 9/18. The Town was represented at Gridley Cold Spring Farm, a 5th generation dairy, beef and crop farm on Route 5.
  • Manlius is supporting the Old Erie Canal Working Group which is an intermunicipal collaboration of communities along the section of the Erie Canal from Rome to Camillus.
  • Supervisor Theobald presented the Tentative Budget to Town Clerk Weber. The Finance
  • Committee will amend this budget before the Preliminary Budget is presented 10/13.
  • The Town of Manlius submitted comment to the NYS DOT on the I-81 project recommending modifications to the Kirkville exit to create a direct route for trucks to the Dewitt railyard. This would eliminate unwanted truck traffic on Fremont and Kirkville Roads.