The Town of Manlius has more boards than the Town Board.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Kyran ‘KP’ Kelly stepped down as Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Judy Salamone was appointed the new
Board of Assessment Review
Grievance Day for property tax assessments is always the fourth Tuesday in May. The Board of Assessment Review listened to property owners in person all day May 25th . They will deliberate for a few weeks until the Assessment Roll is finalized as of July 1st.
Planning Board
In May, the Planning Board made a final determination to deny site plan approval to the Woodland Hills/Hoag Lane cluster housing development. This project has been before the Planning Board for years and has engaged many residents concerned about the proposed
development. Additionally, the Planning Board has reviewed several applications for Solar Farms. They requested a Study Group to provide more specific guidance. This Study Group, co-chaired by Arnold Poltenson [Planning Board] and Sara Bollinger [Town Board]
will meet in June.
Town Board
The Town Board has received MANY letters and emails about the New Quarry proposed by the Kinsella company. We were able to tour the current quarry with Tom Kinsella – this was very interesting! The Town Board has not stopped the quarry application process, but
we think this needs to be part of the Comprehensive Plan, so action will be delayed. In addition, the application submitted has some missing information.
There was some discussion regarding the new adult use Recreational Cannabis regulations in NYS. The Town may be eligible for additional tax revenue from regulated shops.
Sustainable Manlius
The Town created a fund to accept donations to Sustainable Manlius. Sustainable Manlius will pursue Clean Energy Community goals of Community Solar and Heat Smart CNY.
The Town of Manlius Police Department received another CALEA accreditation. Our Police perform at the highest level of Police service according to national and state standards.
Salt Springs Water District
The proposed Salt Springs Water District has engaged several residents in three public hearing sessions. The Town passed the 202b Resolution for the Skyridge Water District, completing one step in a multi-step process. Petitions will be available in June.