“I’m very proud of the campaign we ran and critical issues we will continue to fight for,” Conole said in a statement. “Our mission is not done. Central New York and our country face great challenges ahead and yet great opportunities. We need a leader who will fight for us. That leader is Dana Balter.”
Read MoreProtests over police brutality bring discussion on systemic racism to the forefront in CNY
Systemic racism isn’t limited to personal interactions. It’s embedded in areas like housing, education and business. Syracuse and central New York is the ninth most segregated community in the country, according to recent statistics. CNY Fair Housing director Sally Santangelo said it goes back to the days of redlining, when loans were only available for […]
Read MoreCouncilor Contemplations – May 2020
Updates on community events, solar projects, sustainability, mental health month, support independent redistricting and grievance day.
Read MoreBlack Lives Matter protest in Manlius
Hundreds of people gathered — wearing face masks and carrying signs — at the Swan Pond to hear FM Students for BLM and their supporters speak about the need for racial justice and police reform. The crowd also marched through the village of Manlius and held a moment of silence for George Floyd, a 46-year-old […]
Read MoreCouncilor Contemplations – April 2020
The Town Hall has been closed to the general public, but we are still working! Please call or email if you need something. Some of our staff are working from home, but they will respond promptly to your requests. Socially distanced in-person meetings are possible if necessary.
Read MoreManlius councilor: NY should invest more in clean energy economy (Commentary)
We can combat climate change, and stop the trajectory that we’re on, by transitioning to clean, renewable energy. It is the only option that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. A clean energy economy is the only path forward.
Read MoreCouncilor Contemplations – March 2020
The first case of Coronavirus was confirmed in New York March 1st. At an amazingly fast pace COVID-19 became a public health crisis with daily news briefings at the County, State and Federal level. The Town of Manlius authorized an Intermunicipal Agreement with the Villages of Manlius, Minoa and Fayetteville to share personnel in case critical personnel become ill at a Special Meeting March 16th.
Read MoreCouncilor Contemplations – February 2020
Power to the People!
The big story this month was the outpouring of resident engagement regarding a proposed apartment complex near the Megnin Farms subdivision. Heather and Katelyn met with a neighborhood group early in February. The Town received dozens of letters and more than 100 people attended the Public Hearing on the 24th. The developer withdrew the application the next day.
Read MoreCouncilor Contemplations – January 2020
Councilors are busy forming two new Committees: a Sustainability Committee and a Comprehensive Plan Committee.
Read MoreCouncilor Contemplations – October & November 2019
Fall is Budget time. There were Public Hearings for the Preliminary and Final Budget as well as the Fire Department Contracts.
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