Councilor Contemplations – May 2020

by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Town Councilor

Community Events

Due to the Public Health Emergency, most Memorial Day observances were cancelled. The Village of Manlius made the difficult decision to cancel the annual 4th of July festivities. They are hoping to reframe most of the traditional components into a Fall Festival.

Solar Farms

Somewhat coincidentally, the Town received several applications for solar installations that were reviewed during May. It turns out the utilities in our area have a high capacity to accept new power for ‘community distributed generation’. A large array proposed for Taft Road seems on the path to approval. There was significant discussion regarding an opportunity to put a solar array on the Town landfill, adjacent to the Dewitt landfill, which has already installed a solar array. The Board voted in support of a non-binding agreement to join the multi-municipal CNY Regional Planning and Development Board project. It is likely that the Town will also consider using the firm that Dewitt used.

A company called Falck presented a revised proposal for a solar array on Green Lakes Road that was previously approved as well as a new proposal for a solar array on Eagle Village Road North.


The Board approved an amendment to the Photovoltaic law to implement the unified solar permit and remove the requirement to fence free-standing solar units. The Board heard a presentation on the NY Stretch Code that we may choose to adopt. A Public Information meeting will be scheduled over the summer.

Mental Health Month

In pro-active response to two tragic deaths in the Town, one suicide and the a other drug-related police shooting, the Town Democratic Caucus prepared a social media message, in collaboration with our three Villages, to encourage residents to reach out for help.

Resolution in Support of Independent Redistricting

The Town approved a Resolution in support of the redistricting plan proposed by #Fair Maps CNY.

Assessment Grievance Day

We have all heard from residents that your assessments increased, sometimes dramatically. Grievance Day was impacted by a long power and internet outage, preventing some people from submitting their Grievance at all, and forcing others to reschedule their zoom hearing to Thursday. The Board of Assessment Review will work through all your requests in June.