by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Deputy Supervisor

Carrie Grevelding was sworn in as Town Clerk and Ingrid Gonzalez McCurdy was sworn in as Town Councilor on January 2, 2025, with friends and family to cheer them on!

Kinsella Quarry Permit Renewal
The date for a public hearing regarding the renewal of a Natural Resource Removal Permit to T.H. Kinsella Inc. is on January 22, 2025, at 6:35 PM.

Town Highway Department
Thanks to funding arranged by NYS Senator John Mannion [now Congressman] the Town was able to build a Cold Storage Barn to keep expensive pavers and other off season equipment safe from the weather. Additions to the Highway Garage are planned for 2025. Stay tuned!
The Town of Manlius is now a NYS Certified Pro-Housing Community.

Town Hall Building
The Town of Manlius Town Hall needs significant repairs and improvements. The Town is evaluating the pros and cons of repair and stay versus building a new accessible, inclusive and sustainable Town Hall. Both choices are expensive. The Town commissioned a study of the current facility, which is on our website. This study estimated renovating town hall to cost $4 million – $5 million and estimated an addition to town hall to expand the court room and board room to cost an additional $5 million – $7 million dollars.