by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Deputy Supervisor
Welcome Ingrid!
Ingrid Gonzalez-McCurdy was appointed to fill the vacancy left when Heather Waters resigned from the Town Board.
Recreation Award
The Town of Manlius Recreation Department has won the regional and state Event Award for Fish Stock 2023. Mark your calendar for Fish Stock April 24, 2024.
Active Transportation
Councilor Nicholson is on the advisory board for the SMTC Fayetteville, Manlius, Minoa connectivity study. A Public Meeting will be Thursday April 11 th at the Village of Manlius auditorium at 6PM. Please come! Councilor Bollinger presented to the Forum on Active Transportation about how Manlius included Active Transportation in the development of the Comprehensive Plan.
Planning Federation
Thanks to Valerie Beecher, Chair of the Planning Board for serving on the Planning Federation Board. The Town of Manlius presented a session on the development of the Comprehensive Plan. Chair Beecher and Councilors Waters and Bollinger presented with our consultant Keith Ewald. Several members of the Manlius Board, Planning Board and ZBA attended the day long training session.
Work Sessions
The work session on a proposed Accessory Dwelling Unit law was lively with participation from members of the Planning and Zoning Boards.
On April 10th there will be a work session to modernize the entire Town of Manlius code.
EarthFest 2024!
April was declared Earth Month. Now is the time to sign up! We need sponsors, exhibitors and volunteers. Please check it out: Please
welcome Lily Palmer who will be doing a 12-week internship with Sustainable Manlius.
Pro-Housing Pledge
The Town of Manlius passed a resolution and sent a letter to NYS committing to pro-housing.
Manlius Redevelopment Corporation
A resolution was introduced to form a Local Development Corporation, a quasi-governmental nonprofit entity organized under §1411 of NYS Corporation Law. No action has been taken at this time. Read the proposed Certification of Incorporation here.
Email the Town Board
Remember you can always let the Town Board know what you think by contacting the whole board at