by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Deputy Supervisor
Manlius Democrats!
It is time to celebrate three big accomplishments that our Team ran on in 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2022.
Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan was adopted! Many thanks to all who participated in surveys, community events, focus groups, study groups, listening sessions, open houses, wrote letters, spoke at meetings, cheered from the sidelines…however you engaged, it is much appreciated! Unlike appointed groups during previous administrations, the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee was bipartisan, represented all parts of the Town, included members with diverse ethnicity, backgrounds, careers and interests and
included representatives from all three Villages and the ESM and FM school districts. The final plan was amended up to the last week to be sure we included all the comments and corrections we received. This will guide development for years to come. THANK YOU!
Town of Manlius Comprehensive Plan – July 2023
Climate Action Plan
Amanda Mazzoni and a dedicated team of volunteers have worked on the plan for several months. The Climate Action Plan was also adopted at the July 26th
Town of Manlius Climate Action Plan

Accessible Kayak Launch
Your elected Board members value municipal collaboration and access for people with disabilities. The new kayak launch on the Erie Canal at Poolsbrook State Park is accessible to people who have mobility limitations, and also everyone else. Give it a try with your kayak or canoe. This project would not have been possible without the Madison County Planning Department, the Old Erie Canal Working Group and the NYS Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. We also appreciate the role of the Town of Manlius Highway Department for their help with installation.