by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Deputy Supervisor
The Comprehensive Plan is nearing completion. The Town Board Public Hearing is open until July 12th. This is your last chance to comment!
It is time to comment on the draft Climate Action Plan! Amanda Mazzoni and a dedicated team of volunteers have worked on the plan for several months. The public hearing will be July 26th.
Public reaction to the proposed Landscaping regulation was swift and clear. People do not want to see new rules about lawn maintenance.
The Skyridge Water District is back before the Town Board. This time the proposal is narrowly focused for just the 29 residents of the Horseshoe Lane neighborhood plus Clear Path for Veterans. At the June 14th meeting the Town declared itself ‘lead agency’. A public hearing is scheduled for July 12th .
There is a new apartment building proposed on Highbridge Street next to the Brookdale facility. The developers presented an overview in support of their application for a Zone Change from CA to R-5.
Traffic Calming actions: New solar-powered speed warning signs and new stop signs on Muscovy Lane.
The Recreation Program is open for summer! Programs begin July 5 th . Save the Date for School of Rock July 20-22.
This month, the Police Presentation was about School Resource Officers. The
presentation begins at 36 minutes in this recording: