Councilor Contemplations – January 2023

by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Deputy Supervisor

Congratulations Alissa Italiano! The new year began with swearing-in for Alissa Italiano who won her seat in the November election.

Organizational Meeting was on January 4th and is a great summary of Town administration: 2023 Organizational Meeting Minutes

Residential Mixed-Use Zone The RM zone has been an active issue for several months. You may recall that the Town Board did a work session on this topic in September and passed some modifications to the law. The Planning Board identified some concerns, and the Town Board has recommended some additional adjustments. Three buildings at Seven Pines have already been rezoned as RM and the former Eastern Hills church has requested rezoning to RM. Public Hearings for the law and the Enders Road property will be held February 8th . Please send comments or come to the meeting if you have concerns.

Brolex Townhomes at Megnin Farms did not receive the necessary zone change.

Draft Cannabis Regulations are available on the Town website. We want to hear from people who are interested in this new [heavily regulated] business opportunity. Please contact

Town of Manlius Letter of Intent to Purchase a parcel in the Twin Shores development on North Burdick Street on which to someday build a new Town Hall and Police Station. The first step described in the letter, which was authorized, is an appraisal of the property under consideration. An RFP for this appraisal is on the Town website.

Minoa annexing two properties This doesn’t come up very often! Two owners of property adjacent to the Village of Minoa requested to join the Village in order to access Village infrastructure [sewers]. The Minoa Mayor, Clerk and both Owners attended. The annexation was approved.

Accessible Kayak Launch The Town is a member of the Old Erie Canal Working Group which has secured Local Waterfront Revitalization funding from NYS to plan a number of improvements along the canal. Manlius received a NYS Canal System Tourism Infrastructure & Event Grant to install an accessible kayak launch at Poolsbrook Park. The Manlius team has met with Regional staff of NYS Parks several times, and they have been very supportive of this project. Unfortunately, the prefabricated dock was more expensive that anticipated, but after adjusting some details, a bid was approved.

Code Enforcement The Town will implement some changes to Operating Permits. Please note that a Food Truck permit is required.