by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Deputy Supervisor
The Town Board voted to raise the annual income eligibility for both the Disability and Senior Citizen property tax exemption to $50,000 to $58,399 as recently permitted by New York State.
Code Enforcement
After a Public Hearing the Board voted to approve a new building code [Chapter 59 of Town Law] to comply with some changes at the state level.
Comprehensive Plan
The Supervisor sent a Letter of Support to Fayetteville for an application to the Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council to study improvements to bicycle infrastructure around the Empire State Trail/Erie Canal.
Deer Management
The Board authorized the 2022-23 Intermunicipal Agreement with Fayetteville for the Deer Management Program. This year DEC has added a tick study to the program.
The Board authorized the purchase of a pick-up truck to replace a 2018 truck. The new truck will not be available until this time next year. The board also authorized OCWA to lay some pipe and install a hydrant on Duguid Road and released security for Austin Meadows Phase 5.
Barbara Rivette submitted her annual report. This is available on the History page of the Town website.
The Board approved a Side Letter formally changing the police schedule to four 10-hour shifts beginning in January.
The Board selected a contactor for the next phase of work on the Clark Hill project. This will be covered by Drainage District #1.
New EV Charging Stations Available at Manlius Town Hall!
The Town of Manlius is excited to announce two newly installed EV charging stations now available to the public at Town Hall’s back parking lot at 301 Brooklea Drive. Charge your car while you walk the canal park, enjoy a baseball game or a town board meeting.
Three EV charging parking spaces will be available to the public 24/7 for a small fee of .20 per kwH to cover electricity costs. This Infrastructure was funded in part by Title 15 of the Environmental Protection Fund through the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Over 80% of the installation costs will be covered by the DEC ZEV grant the Town of Manlius received and the National Grid Make Ready program.
This infrastructure and additional grant funding will enable the town to purchase two electric vehicles for our code and planning department to support our department’s infrastructure needs while reducing our carbon footprint.