Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility
June is Pride Month, and the Town was pleased to raise the Pride Flag on June 1st with Aerik Radley and Michael Pecoraro. They, along with other LGBT residents, submitted a letter to the editor about Pride Month. Please subscribe to the Eagle Bulletin [its free] to get current news on all our local governments.
At the June 8th meeting Ruth Ann Winschel gave a presentation on autism and neurodiversity awareness.
Committee member Chris McKee followed up with a resource https://ibcces.org/. The Board was informed about the Salt City Harvest Farm https://saltcityharvest.farm/ operated by New Americans who have settled here and are making new lives in our community.
We are reminded of the importance of valuing every person.
Local Laws
The Town Board held Public Hearings and approved two local laws in June. One made permanent a previous local law to bring Town code in compliance with new NYS code with regard to the size of sheds and playscapes and the other makes permanent the ability for Town Board members to participate in meetings virtually if they are unable to participate in person due to travel, health or caregiving responsibilities.
Zone Changes
The owner of Seven Pines professional office park wants to change zoning to modify the plan to offices on the lower level and apartments upstairs. This type of mixed-use development is viewed favorably by the Board but may require some additional steps until the Comprehensive Plan and its subsequent zoning modifications are in place.
Do not forget to attend the Zoning discussion on July 13th .
The Town Board has another complex zone change request for 8291 East Seneca Turnpike.