by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Deputy Supervisor
The Town is Hiring
The Town has a number of paid part-time Board positions available. Interviews will be in December for appointments in January.
The 2024 Budget was Approved

- Town outside village tax rate is $4.1008 per $1000, difference from 2023 is 25₵ less.
- Town inside village rate is $3.2215 per $1000, difference from 2023 is 16₵ less.

Solar Simplified
As a Town resident you will soon receive an invitation to participate in 10% utility savings by subscribing to the new solar field on the Town Landfill. Sign up early! Slots are limited.
Tree Commission
The Town of Manlius planted several trees this month to beautify the community and sequester green house gases.
Twin Ponds
The Town is considering a large apartment and mixed use development on North Burdick Street. The Board approved the PUD. There will be many opportunities for input to the Planning Board as this project develops.
Cannabis Showcase
The Town approved a change to the RT zone The change will comply with NYS law to allow cannabis growers to ‘showcase’ their products before retail outlets are approved. This action has been created by the State because the licensing process has been very slow.
Garden Park
The Developer provided a revised plan which addressed some concerns of the Town Board. Several residents spoke in opposition to the project.
Sustainable Buildings
The Town hosted a Work Session on Sustainable Building Construction.
The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to remember how the Indigenous people of North America initially welcomed the European colonists, helped them to survive and taught them about democracy. The Town of Manlius is located on Onondaga Nation land.