Congratulations to newly elected Supervisor John Deer. Welcome to our newly elected Councilor, William Nicholson. Welcome back to Deputy Supervisor Sara Bollinger and Councilor Katelyn Kreisel. Please join us to get to know our newly appointed Councilor,
Alissa Italiano.
John presided over his first meeting on January 5 th , the Organizational Meeting. At this meeting the Board outlined plans for the year. Details are available at this link. As Councilor Heather Waters stated, the minutes of this meeting are a great way for interested residents to understand Town government in just a few minutes.
Sustainable Manlius has been making great progress!
- Application submitted for Climate Smart Communities
- Thanks to Community Volunteer Ryan Dunn for his work on the application
- Funding of $22,250 for Climate Smart Communities secured
- Thanks to Amanda Mazzoni of the CNYRPB
- DEC funding secured for a Zero Emission Electronic Vehicle charging station at the Town Hall
- Thanks to Councilor Elaine Denton
- The Town is considering adopting the NYS Stretch Code
- The Codes Officer will meet with Builders 2/8
The Town of Manlius has partnered with Onondaga County and the Villages within the Town to distribute free COVID test kits and M-95 masks.
There has been some recent activity regarding excess truck traffic in Fremont. If you have input on this issue, please contact a Town Councilor.
There will be a Public Hearing regarding Zone Changes on Burdick Street February 9th.
Dollar General explored an option to build a store on Minoa-Bridgeport Road, but their request was not supported by the Planning Board or the Town Board.
The ESM School District has requested a Special Patrol Officer.
The Town gratefully acknowledges the many contributions of Town of Manlius Police Captain Schafer upon his retirement. Captain Slater has accepted the role of Administrative Division Commander.