by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Town Councilor
Stay Informed!
There is a lot going on at the Town of Manlius.
You may sign up for emails on the Town website regarding Board agendas, Planning Board and ZBA agendas and other information of interest to you.
Successful Resident Engagement regarding Stormwater Management
Councilor Waters conceived of a plan to engage residents of Drainage Districts in decisions the Town Board will make about spending District resources on stormwater management projects. Thanks to the Deputy Town Clerks for writing, printing and mailing letters to 2000+ residents of Districts #2 [parcels near Fayetteville] and #3 [parcels near Manlius]. Virtual meetings were held on October 19th and 21st with Highway Superintendent Rob Cushing, Town Engineer Doug Miller, Councilor Waters and Councilor Bollinger. Approximately 10% of the impacted residents participated via telephone, email and/or zoom. This level of engagement [more than 200 people] would not have occurred using a traditional Public Hearing format. The public health emergency has accelerated the change to virtual engagement, but we believe this will be an effective strategy for the future. Video recordings of both sessions are available on the Town website. District #1 residents [parcels near Fremont] are aware of stormwater drainage work in process on Clark Hill.
October is Budget Month
Councilors Bollinger and Denton created the 2021 Budget overview available at this link:
The Town Board voted to override the NYS Property Tax Cap as a risk management strategy. There are no negative consequences for passing the override, but there are penalties imposed if a Town accidentally exceeds the Tax Cap without enacting an override. With all the uncertainties about NYS and federal funding, passing the override seemed prudent.
Indigenous Peoples Day
Councilor Deer prepared and read a Land Acknowledgement in honor of the Haudenosaunee; upon whose ancestral land we all reside.
Commercial Zoning
The Public Hearing is still open if you have input regarding changes to Commercial Zones. Public comment has been sparce, but animated. The Town hopes to accommodate all views and needs when the final Local Law is adopted.
Requests for Letters of Interest
Opportunities were posted for Communication Services and Comprehensive Planning Services for 2021.
The Town Facebook page has relaunched. Please update your contacts.
Police Reform
The Public Safety Advisory Committee hosted an excellent presentation by the TMPD. Check it out at
Thank you to Manlius Democrats