by Sara Bollinger – Manlius Deputy Supervisor
Welcome Carrie!
Carrie Grevelding has joined the Town of Manlius as a Deputy Clerk. Carrie formerly worked at the 911 Center. Debi Witzel, previous Deputy Clerk, will work part-time.
Garden Park
The Garden Park PUD was approved.
Tree Commission
After a public hearing the Town Code that covers the Tree Commission was updated to maintain compliance with Tree City USA. We expect additional provisions to be added in 2024.
Deer Management
The Town renewed it’s agreements with the Village of Fayetteville, DEC and USDA for a deer management plan for 2024.
Historian Report
With Gratitude
The terms of several Town leaders end with 2023. Proclamations were read for Justice Sal Pavone, Planning Board Chair Joe Lupia and Planning Board member Ann Kelly.

Farewell – but not Good-bye
Elaine Denton’s term as Town Councilor has ended. We will miss her careful research, wisdom, persistence and passion. Elaine has promised to keep her eye on us!