Candidates 2025

We have amazing candidates running for local elections this year. You can support them by volunteering to make phone calls, donating to their campaigns, and vote for them to protect our democracy on November 4, 2025! Sign up to vote by mail here.

Onondaga County Legislature – District 10

Elaine Denton

for County Legislator, District 10

I am very excited to be running for County Legislator to represent District 10. As a mom of three, graphic designer, community organizer and former town councilor, I would like to serve my community by bringing my knowledge, skills and passion to the Onondaga County Legislature.

I started participating in politics in 2017 and I haven’t stopped since. I have been following the county legislature closely and have been continually disappointed with the legislature’s lack of action, transparency and care for residents and our environment. I have repeatedly spoken out against the aquarium, gerrymandered maps, a partisan lawsuit to keep turnout low in local elections and additional issues facing our community.

Government should not be a rubber stamp. It should be about critical thinking, looking at the whole picture, being fiscally responsible, seeing how issues are connected and making policy that benefits as many people as possible. 

This is not happening in our county government and I want to change it. With a $1.5 billion dollar budget, I know Onondaga County can do more for our communities. 

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Town of Manlius

John Deer

for Town Supervisor

In my short time on the board I have made it clear to residents in our town that I am committed to making this a government for and by the people. Going door-to-door in 2019, I found that many voters had little understanding of the role of our town government and the ways it impacts our lives, let alone its potential. Once I found myself on the board I realized that our town needs progressive and bold leadership to modernize, increase transparency and foster an inclusive process.

A town government can advocate for a stronger community and ask for all residents’ feedback when making important decisions. People should feel encouraged to participate at every step of the way. All too often I hear, “That’s the way things have always been done” and “Don’t fix something that isn’t broken.” This kind of thinking makes it impossible for new voices to be part of the process. Rather than running on a plan to keep things the same, I’m running for reelection to keep Manlius moving forward.

John Deer for Town Supervisor

“Re-elect Town Supervisor John Deer to keep Manlius moving forward.

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Sara Bollinger for Town Board

Re-Elect Sara to the Manlius Town Board!

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Sara Bollinger

for Town Councilor

Sara was elected to the Town Board in 2017 and has served as Deputy Supervisor since 2022. In this role Sara listens to town residents’ concerns and integrates these concerns into her actions on the board.

The Town of Manlius Comprehensive Plan was an important goal for Sara. The Comprehensive Planning process included a community advisory board, listening sessions, focus groups and study groups and coordination with the Climate Action Plan, over three years. The Town of Manlius Comprehensive Plan was adopted in July 2023. Sara is committed to working with community constituents to see that the Plan is fully implemented. Moving forward, Sara secured funding to engage the community in redesigning zoning for the Town to provide opportunities for more types of housing and business.

In her role as Liaison to the Highway Department and Engineering, Sara has been instrumental in securing grant funding for the Town of Manlius and facilitating implementation of flood mitigation studies, a storage building, renovations at the Highway garage and a new water supply system for the Horseshoe Lane neighborhood.

Sara is a co-founder of the community science group, Manlius Watershed Stewards, which engages community members to understand, support and preserve our precious water resources.

Sara worked in the not-for-profit sector, representing people with disabilities, veterans, children in foster care, refugees and others. As an agency Executive Director with a multi-million dollar budget and hundreds of employees, Sara has demonstrated leadership and managerial skills. She now owns a management consulting business. Sara participates in regional, state and national associations. 

Sara and her husband, Chris, have lived in the Town of Manlius for more than 30 years and have been active with the community. Their daughter, Deana, also lives in Manlius with her family.

Katelyn Kriesel

for Town Councilor

Katelyn is a passionate advocate for her community and for climate and social justice and currently serves as a Town Councilor on the Manlius Town Board. As a mother to two daughters and a business owner in the community, Katelyn is committed to creating an economically vibrant, sustainable and just community for all. Katelyn runs a Financial Advisory practice in Manlius where she focuses on Socially Responsible Investing. She is also the President and Founder of the Sustainable Economies Alliance, a nonprofit organization working to expand sustainable finance in Central New York. Katelyn is an expert in renewable energy, fossil fuel divestment, sustainability and corporate social governance, and she has been proud to bring these skills to the Town of Manlius in her first term as Town Councilor. 

Katelyn grew up in Manlius, graduating from Fayetteville-Manlius in 2005. After graduating from college in 2009 with dual degrees in Political Science and Psychology, she returned to the region, finally settling down in the Village of Manlius. Katelyn and her family are proud to call Manlius home, and she is looking forward to continuing to serve the residents of the Town of Manlius.

Katelyn Kriesel

Re-Elect Katelyn to the Manlius Town Board!

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William Nicholson

Re-Elect William to the Manlius Town Board!

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William Nicholson

for Town Councilor

I grew up in Fayetteville with my seven siblings, and where my parents have lived for over 50 years. I returned to the area to raise my own son, and have grown to love this Town even more throughout the last  25 years. At this remarkable moment, what we need more than anything is competent, inspiring leadership.  

I believe that we can be civil and respectful of differences, and that we can disagree without being disagreeable. I am eager to work with fellow leaders across our region to ensure that our Town’s needs are met and our constituents’ interests are protected. Collaboration and cooperation are necessary now more than ever to address the complex problems that we face as we bounce back from this challenging pandemic.

Working together with a diverse group of determined people to make change for the better is my passion, regardless of party or position. I will work for all of the constituents of our Town, solving problems, and making life better for all of us. With our team’s commitment to sustainability, smart comprehensive planning, and transparency, I believe that we are on track to secure a bright future for generations to come.

David Rothschild

for Town Justice

I have enjoyed serving as Manlius Town Justice for the past 3+ years and hope to earn the opportunity to serve another term. Based upon my legal experience, knowledge and temperament, I believe that I am uniquely qualified for the position. I strive to treat all litigants with respect and consistency, while holding people accountable for their actions at the same time.

I am a lifetime resident of Manlius and a married father of two young children. I have been active in the community with youth organizations and served on the boards of several local non-profit groups. I have also taught elementary school students about the criminal justice system and served as the legal advisor to the Fayetteville-Manlius High School mock trial team.

I have been an attorney for over 25 years. Before serving as town justice, I was an assistant district attorney in Onondaga County, arguing criminal appeals and prosecuting felony-level crimes involving domestic violence. I also worked as a legal advisor to judges in Syracuse City Court and Onondaga County Court, providing counsel in the context of both civil and criminal matters.

David Rothschild

Re-Elect David to the Manlius Town Justice!

Important Dates

Vote February 14, 2025 – Deadline to change your party enrollment.

Find out more at

Vote March 25, 2025 – Village of Manlius Elections

Contact your village office for details.

November 4, 2025 – General Election Polls will be Open 6AM – 9PM.

Early Voting will be available. If you need to vote by absentee you need to fill out an absentee ballot by Tuesday, October 25, 2025.

For more information visit:

Interested in running for office?

Contact us to let us know what position you are interested in running for. Elections happen every year. From school board to congress, we need more Democrats running at every level of government.

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