Candidates 2024

We have an amazing slate of candidates running for elections this year. You can support them by volunteering to knock doors, make phone calls, donating to their campaigns, and voting on November 5th!

Town of Manlius

Ingrid McCurdy

for Town Board

The Town of Manlius has a special election in November to fill a town board seat. Councilor McCurdy was appointed to the Town Board in 2024. She has been an amazing addition to the Town Board with her experience. Vote for Ingrid McCurdy in November!

Onondaga County

Christina El Bayadi for Family Court Judge

Christina El Bayadi

for Onondaga County Family Court Judget 

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New York State

Chris Ryan for NY Senate
Chris Ryan
for State Senate
Al Stirpe
Al Stirpe
for State Assembly

Federal Government

Kirsten Gillibrand
Kirsten Gillibrand
for U.S. Senator
Senator John Mannion
John Mannion
for Congress